Selected Writings, Speeches, and Publications
Cameron Powell
A mostly complete list of writing published, or delivered as speeches or testimony, on my behalf and that of clients.
- SPEAKING: Why We Should Optimize Hiring for Flow (50-min speech video)
- NARRATIVE: Ordinary Magic: Promises I Kept to My Mother Through Life, Illness, and a Very Long Walk. A travelogue and memoir of my journeys with my mother and at the end of life. A meditation on love, forgiveness, and the making of meaning that gives us ordinary magic: resilience.
- PUBLISHING: Ghost-written non-fiction book for Random House and foreign publishers. A #1 Amazon bestseller.
- STORY: "How You Can Learn from Mis-Steps by ‘Game of Thrones’ to Crush Behavior-based Interviews with STORY," Medium
Congressional and Agency Testimony
- Invited by U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission to testify on issues of technology, competition, and monopoly. (2009)
- “On ICANN Governance,” Oral and Written Testimony before the Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 107th Congress, 2d Session (June 2002).
- “The Accuracy and Integrity of the Whois Database,” Oral and Written Testimony before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 107th Congress, 2d Session (May 2002)
Speaking, Performing, Industry Presentations
- Performed audiobook for Ordinary Magic.
- “The Postal Mail Revolution: How Delivering Mail Online Will Save Time, Money and Our Planet,” World Mail & Express Conference, London, May 2007.
- “Learn How Digital Mail Can Work for All Employees and All Mail – Online,” MailCom May 2006 (Atlantic City), October 2006 (Las Vegas), and May 2007 (Atlantic City).
- Actor, commercial, David Wu for Congress (September 2004)
- Harvard Law School Commencement Address
- Rangely High School Baccalaureate Address (first alum).
Acclaimed Memoir
"Stunning, unique, unlike anything I've read before."
- Julia Scheeres, Jesus Land
"One of the most profound pieces of written word I've ever read. It is pure joy."
- Andrew Arentowicz
"Almost impossible to put down, studded with gems of spirited observation and wit. Powell is a writer to watch."
- Mary Dearborn, Ernest Hemingway
Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents

- “RICO Claims for Patent Fraud: Another Sledgehammer in Your Quiver,” Intellectual Property Today (November 1997), reprinted in 22 New Matter, No. 3 (Fall/Winter 1997), the intellectual property journal of the California State Bar.
- Editor, journal of the Copyright Society of the USA
- Treatise Editor, “State Law of Trademark and Unfair Trade Practices” (1998 and 1999 editions)
Short Prose – Literary

- True History of the Camino de Santiago (satirical historical novella, 2018). #1 on Amazon in Religious Intolerance.
- “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” short literary fiction published as contest award-winner by Literal Latté, a New York literary magazine (September 1997).
- Books in Brief, The National Review 73 (Mar. 6, 1995) (reviewing Eleanor Kerlow’s Poisoned Ivy: How Egos, Ideology and Power Politics Almost Ruined Harvard Law School).
Domain Name Industry: Thought Leadership and Guerilla Marketing
Published in our guerrilla marketing State of the Domain except as noted.
- “Trends in Mail, Business Behavior, and Technology: Are You Leading or Following?” Mailing Systems Technology, June 2007
- “Will Postal Mail Give Way to the Internet?” Mail Magazine, May/June 2007.
- “ICANN Progress Report,” N3 NetNamesnews (Issue 15, April 2002) at 4-5.
- “Notes from All Over” (Second Quarter 2002) at 29-30.
- “Democracy and Its Discontents” (May 2002) at 18-22.
- “Of, By, and For a Mere Handful of People” (April 2002) at 19-24.
- “Whois on First?: The Sorry State of Registration Records Sought for Legitimate Purposes” (First Quarter 2002) at 26-32
- “Things Fall Apart” (February 2002) at 24-30.
- Untitled article (entire issue) (First Quarter 2001) at 1-16.
- “Anatomy of an ICANN Constituency’s Consideration of a New Registry Service” (January 2002) at 24-35.
- “A Day in the Life of Ivan Domainovich, Or, Competition and Choice Revisited” (Year-End 2001) at 46-50 and “Competition and Choice for Customers Too – And Now Rather than Later,” at 51-62.
- “The Turnaround Artist” (November 2001) at 14-17.
- “Even in the Domain Industry, In Problems Lie Opportunities” (October 2001), at 14-15 and “And Now for the Rest of the Story, Hopefully,” at 18-19.
- “Monthly Commentary: Neulevel and .biz: Premature Forecasts Following a Difficult Birth” (Third Quarter 2001) at 23-27.
- “The Evolving State of the Domain Name Industry, Or, An Introduction to the Customer” (August 2001) at 23-31.
- “Special Monthly Report” (July 2001) at 16-21.
- “Quarterly Commentary: The Big Story, Q2: Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Domain Names” (Second Quarter 2001), at 23-31.