Who else wants to learn the advanced persuasion techniques that have helped our startup founder clients raise over $600 million?

Introducing the 1-hour High Performance Pitch Deck Sprint™ - only from High Performance Story

It's a Zoom-recorded top to bottom review of your entire conception of your business, your product, and how you are conveying the possibilities to those who matter - especially investors, partners, and customers.

It's an information-packed learning session with value far more than our reduced rate for early-stage startup founders in the time of COVID-19: only $150!

Let us help you make your voice heard, far and wide and with maximum persuasion!

Founder Cameron Powell - startup pitch coach
Startup Pitch Coach and Founder Cameron Powell

I could. not. believe. how much this one-hour session leap-frogged my entire business, let alone my pitch deck and script, from where I started. - J. Ballard, Founder

"I haven't gotten this much useful advice in ten hours anywhere else! Just astonishing value." - Michael Thompson, Co-founder

"I've practiced my pitch in front of all sorts of angel groups, and all their feedback put together might - might - have reached the level of what I got in an hour with Cameron." - Susan Elliott, Founder

"Your pitch coaching gave me a breakthrough in getting my investment opportunity across to investors. After 15 months pitching our way, your consulting helped us meet our funding goal within two months of our consulting together." - Alison McKenzie, Co-founder

"I used to spend ALL my time on my deck. I thought I could just wing the spoken part. But all I ever did was interfere with my deck and lose the listener OR just paraphrase it. I wasted the priceless opportunity to make my deck and my speech 'do a dance together.' Not anymore." - Sue Strong, co-founder

"Cameron and his team coached me into being the runaway success of every demo day I did. Now I finally see why I need to spend almost as much time on my spoken pitch - the content and the delivery - as on my deck!" - J. Schumacher, exited founder 

Express yourself

We created the High Performance Pitch Deck Sprint for one reason: to cost-effectively allow founders to avoid all-too-common pitfalls of pitching while making their pitch deck, pitch script, and underlying business strategy maximally compelling to investors.

Did you see our testimonials?? They say it better than we could.

Here are just a few ways your entire pitch will improve

  • We'll tell you if your pitch includes unrealistic or "first-draft" content
  • Set yourself apart with a strong and coherent story that evokes an emotional - i.e., decisionmaking - response
  • Learn how to avoid pitching investors too soon and harming your reputation
  • Find out which slides you must have, in what order, and which to leave out!
  • Learn to avoid the most common mistakes on your Pain Slide that ruin the whole pitch
  • Learn if you really have a minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Prevent mistakes on the Competition Slide that turn off investors
  • Know just what to say and what to avoid in your Ask - and much more!

We'll Also Improve Your Underlying Business and Strategy

We’ll give you high-quality consulting advice on the underlying business aspects of each slide, such as:

  • Improving the marketing quality of your taglines, logos, headlines, and calls to action
  • Showing you how to sell actual customers via your branding, positioning, and overall marketing 
  • Explaining why you should be turning your customer’s journey into classic Hero’s Journey storytelling
  • Showing you how to make your customer the hero on the journey, like Luke Skywalker, to your Yoda. You are not Luke!
  • Catching any mistakes around your own trademarks and other legal issues
  • Strategizing how to best arrive at your MVP
  • Discussing how to most quickly show the product-market fit and traction investors need to see
  • Designing a strong yet realistic go-to-market strategy
  • Advising how you can better position your organization for the right funding

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