Career reinvention requires a special kind of coaching and consulting.
To reinvent yourself in a new career, field, or industry, you must have:
- a compelling story of who you used to be
- a compelling story of who you want to be now
- an solid argument for why you are making the change
- and a powerful case for why your background and passions are both differentiating and helpful to an employer
In other words, reinvention is even more about getting your stories – your rationales, your reasons, your motivations – right. At High Performance Story, founded by serial reinvention artist Cameron Powell, we have just the blueprint for you.
Your Strengths plus Your Story = superhuman Flow at work.
It’s the ONLY combination that differentiates you among candidates. Skills and prior experience rarely will.

Discover your
Discover the areas of thought, feeling, and action where you’re closest to being (and feeling!) superhuman
Flow starts with grasping what you love and do well. What totally absorbs you and makes you lose track of time?
We’ll give you several inexpensive strengths assessments. We’ll show you, convincingly, how you’ve used your core strengths all your life. And how they’re what you were using when you were most engaged in what you were doing.
Develop your STORY
It’s Story that helps us choose our work. It’s also Story that persuades others to let us do it.
We’ll show you how to become expert in the critical thinking of Story so that you can:
- figure out your own story that makes the most sense and works best for you and your self-confidence
- hack the science of audience brains to tell more persuasive and more memorable stories about yourself and your work.
Story - meaning - is crucial to getting you in Flow and making your teams go.

You don’t have to wear a squirrel suit at work to get into Flow.
Get our free ebook on why Flow is what the happiest and most productive people are optimizing their lives around - and how you can join them!